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If you need to move or cancel your appointment please give as much notice as possible.

If you cancel within 48 hours of your appointment there is a £100 cancellation fee per area.

If you cancel within 24 hours or don't show up to your appointment then the full amount of your treatment is to be paid.


You must be aged 18 or over.


Treatments can't be performed if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


If you suffer with Acne you have to be off any medication for at least 6 months.


Not suitable for those prone to scarring and Keloid scarring.


If you are having a Lip treatment, and you have suffered with coldsores past or present, you MUST buy some Aciclovir tablets which

can be purchased online from These need to be taken 4-7 days before your treatment and 4-7 days afterwards.


False eyelashes and contact lenses need to be removed for an eyeliner treatment. 


No tinting or lash lifting for 2 weeks prior to your treatment.


No facial waxing, sun beds or self tans for 1 week prior to your treatment.


No Chemical peels, Retinol and AHA'S 4 weeks prior to you treatment.


Serious medical conditions may require a doctors note.


Fillers, Botox and other injectables must be avoided 4 weeks prior and post your PMU treatment.


Avoid alcohol and Ibuprofen for 48 hours before your treatment. After treatment is fine.


A patch test MUST be carried at at least 24 hours before your initial treatment.


You need to allow 2-3 hours for your initial treatment and then 1-1.5 hours for your 6 week retouch.


Initial healing time is between 1-2 weeks on the surface.


You must follow the recommended aftercare for 2 weeks after to get the best results. You will be given a sheet with all the aftercare on at the end of you treatment.


Extreme sun exposure, harsh skincare products/ treatments can affect the longevity of your semi permanent makeup. 


It's low maintenance NOT no maintenance. Your brow hairs will still grow so i recommend a wax/ tint to keep them groomed and fresh.


A colour boost is recommended every 1-3 years to refresh the shape and colour. Every individual will be different.​





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